Saturday, February 25, 2023

Working with Our First Autel UAS

Figure 1: Autel Evo 2 Pro V2

After retiring the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, from our fleet here at USI Consultants, we decided to purchase a non  DJI platform to learn about the pros and cons of a UAS that has similar but different functions, capabilities and quirks. Since we were unsure whether an Autel product would be a comparable replacement, we did not want to spend any more money than what we paid for the Phantom 4. As a result, we purchased the Autel Evo 2 Pro V2 depicted in Figure 1.

What is Autel Robotics? 

Autel Robotics is a UAS company founded in 2014 that is one of the more prominent rivals to DJI (Da-Jing Innovations). This company produces a vast number rotorcraft consumer and enterprise UAS. Although several of their UAS products are assembled in America, their software Chinese based and their headquarters are in Shenzhen China. See Figure 2 for a brekdown of similarities and differences between Autal and DJI. 

Figure 2: Similaraties and Differences Between Autel and DJI

References from Venn Diagram: 

    Figure 3: Autel Dragonfish Video
Figure 4: Autel World Headquarters
Figure 5: DJI world Headquarters 
Figure 6: Autel foldable UAS Compared to DJI foldable UAS (Image yaken from TecRadar)
Figure 7: Autel Ceo Hongjing Li
Figure 8: DJI Ceo Frank Wang

User Experience with the Evo 2 Pro V2 UAS 

I paid approximately $1,800 for everything shown in Figure 9, and I found that the accessories are generally reliable considering the price point. However, my biggest disappointment so far is with the remote controller. In my opinion, the latency between the controller screen and the aircraft is terrible. I'm currently researching this issue because I hope it's not a common problem. I'd like to believe that Autel doesn't intentionally sell remote controllers with such poor latency to their customers.

Figure 9: Autel EVO 2 Pro V2 UAS Bundle

The Autel Evo 2 Pro drone offers a fair battery life, phone connectivity, and camera quality, along with a remote controller. It also boasts smart features, mapping capabilities, and flight log tracking, similar to a DJI aircraft. However, its radar map is great but limited in scale compared to DJI.

Despite this, the drone's foldability and mapping capabilities make it a great choice for creating Orthomosaic deliverables for engineering designs. Regarding smart features, some work well while others are overhyped and impractical. Nonetheless, the Autel Evo 2 Pro's aircraft, camera, failsafes, and smart features provide excellent value for its price.

Preliminary Conclusions

Overall, the Autel Pro V2 kit offers a reasonable price point and its aircraft and camera configuration deliver reliable performance. Personally, I have found the Autel Evo 2 Pro to be a solid choice, despite my initial mistake in purchasing the remote controller. Nonetheless, I remain open-minded and intend to thoroughly investigate whether a software update or tutorial exists to address the latency issue.

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