Showing posts with label UAS Inspection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UAS Inspection. Show all posts

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Voliro T: The UAS That Does More Than Just Observe

When utilizing Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for bridge inspections, aircraft are primarily deployed for contactless data collection. Yet, a glaring gap persists: very few UAS can test the  deficiencies they identify. This oversight often results in inspectors to yet again be exposed to dangerous environments. 

Enter the Voliro T UAS
Thanks to its unique design, the Voliro T enables inspectors to conduct close-proximity tests eliminating the need for additional hands on inspection. Unlike most industrial UAS, this system is capable of carrying various payloads, including probes, thickness gauges, ultrasonic transducers, and impact eco systems. The tilt rotors and distinctive omnidirectional design, illustrated in Figure 1 allow this aircraft to balance itself when testing difficult to access structures. 

                                                                    Figure 1: Voliro T Aircraft Note: Tilt Rotors

Pushing the Boundaries
Based on information from Voliro's website, the UAS is suited for contact-based inspections of storage tanks, wind turbines, smokestacks, and various steel structures. While there's limited information currently available regarding the exact data and Return On Investment (ROI) this drone provides, Voliro T clearly boasts a novel design and holds potential to carve a niche in the UAS industry. For a deeper dive, below is a linked video showcasing the Voliro T's relevance and its impressive tilt rotor capability.

     Voliro T UAS In Action