UAS Resources

Welcome to the organized section of unorganized organization of UAS resources over the years. To you, these resources might not be helpful, to me a lot of these resources are helpful because I constantly reference them for work. A few resources such as checklists for older aircraft might not be helpful presently, but might end up being helpful the day I need to go back and for some reason use something obsolete. Overall, this tab is a is a work in progress that will improve over time. 

FAA Resources 

How to Apply for UAV Waiver--------------------------------Click Here
How to Legally fly a sUAS over people--------------------Click Here
How to Legally Fly Beyond Line of Sight------------------Click Here
How to Legally Fly Over 400 feet----------------------------Click Here
How to Navigate UAS Facility Maps----------------------------Video 1

        Video 1: How to Navigate UAS Facility Maps 

How to Fly Your Drone During an Emergency---------------Video 2  
Video 2: How to Fly Your Drone During an Emergency
FAA Remote ID Interview------------------------------------------Video 3
                                      Video 3: FAA Remote ID Interview
FAA UAS Direct Links

Link to Aeronautical Chart Users Guide
Remote ID
Funny Yet Useful Video About Remote ID----------------Video 4
                                  Video 4: Remote ID Overview
Remote ID Direct Links
Link to Remote ID PDF

Drone Tag Remote ID Module--------------------Video 5
                                                  Video 5: Drone Tag Remote ID Module


Figure 10: Voulnteer Endorsement Letter 

Figure 10: Voulnteer Endorsement Letter 

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