Wednesday, September 4, 2019

UAS Volume Reservations

Perhaps a more recent acronym taken from the  FAA, a UAS Volume Reservation (UVR) appears to be a digitized notification to UAV pilots that permits priority operations to aircraft that impede areas that drones are operating in real time. Taken from the video that I have attached at the end, this new system resembles a TFR but unlike a TRR, a UVR can can appear with little warning. In fact the UVR is the warning that another aircraft is en route to the UAV's path. How is this possible? It appears that due to the Low Altitude Authorization Notification Capability (LAANC), registered UAVs can receive this real time information which can further increase the safety of our airspace. Shown in Figure 1 is a scenario of a medivac helicopter impeding  airspace occupied by 3 UAVs. 

Figure 1: Simulation of Medicvac Helicopter Impeding UAS Operations (taken from FAA video)

As progress continues to be made in creating a UAS traffic management system, it is clear that LAANC is experimenting with more concepts to help manage our airspace. Furthermore it is clear that the FAA is becoming more confident in enabling UAV pilots to determine whether or not Aircraft operations will force UAV pilots to land IF a UAV pilot determines that the UVR does not affect them. Click on the video below to see how UVRs may one day become standard in UAS operations. 
Video: Unmanned Traffic Management Demonstrations

Unmanned Traffic Management System Demonstrations

Unmanned Traffic Management System Demonstrations

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