Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lab 6


According to, ground control points or (GCPs) are large marked targets on the ground, spaced strategically throughout an area of interest. If using GCPs, you will need to determine the Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) GPS coordinates and center the coordinates within the specified GCP. The ground control points and the embedded RTK coordinates are then used to help drone mapping software accurately position a map in relation to the real world around it. When using GCPs, the quality is enhanced depending on the size of the mission and the platform used. If to many GCPs are used, the data can end up skewed, so use caution when placing them.To simplify the concept of GCPs, think of them as a series of thumbtacks placed on on a UAV model. To visualize this, refer to the black triangle in Figure 1. 

Image result for ground control points
Figure 1: Graphic of Ground Control Point

Ground Control Checkpoints are used to validate the relative and absolute accuracy of  GCP maps. The checkpoints are not used for processing. Instead, they are used to calculate the error of the map by comparing the known measured locations of the checkpoints to the coordinates of the checkpoints shown on the map. In this Figure 2, the ground control points are floating above the ground, checkpoints can be used to help verify this inaccuracy. 
Figure 2: Ground Control Points are Floating


To better understand how to use the Pix4Dmapper with GCPs, I have created a tutorial for processing example data of a UAV that has over a mine site in Wisconsin. Before referring to the steps, it is important to note that this procedure is Purdue specific, and before setting up the program, you must have access to a computer in the AT 319 lab. Below are a list of steps and graphics illustrating how to process the data.
  1. Create a New Project and Name it with the data, the sensor and GCP data. Refer to Figure 3
    Figure 3: Create New Project
  2. Depending where your data is saved, (in our class's case, it's the TEMP folder) Import the images from your specified file, open the images, click Next, and the imagery will appear as word text seen in Figure 4
    Figure 4: Imagery
  3. Click Next a window titled "Image Properties" will now appear. Click Edit
    Figure 5: Image Properties
  4. An image similar to Figure 6 will appear be sure to switch the shutter from Rolling to Linear Also for this lab, note the Coordinate System is at WGS 84
    Figure 6: Switch the Shutter and Note Coordinate System
  5. Click Ok, click Next, a window similar to Figure 7 will appear. 
    Figure 7: Metadata Check Pt 1 of 2
  6. For absolute clarity, go to your metadata and make sure that the Metadata and the Coordinate System Match as seen in Figure 8
    Figure 8: Metadata Check Pt 2 of 2
  7. Once Metadata and Coordinate System is verified, click Next a new window will appear,. Click 3D Maps You will now be on a window called Processing Options
  8. Under the Section DSM and Orthomosaic, make sure your GeoTiff is checked and Merge Tiles is checked. Click Ok
  9. Under Additional Outputs, change the elevation to 0.5, change the Resolution and Minimum Vertices to 100, Click Ok. Use Figure 10 as a reference
    Figure 9: Change Resolution/Minimum Vertices
  10. Click Ok, Click Next an image of the Flight Path similar to Figure 10 will Appear. On the top left hand corner, click edit and click on GCP/MTP Manager 
  11. A window similar to Figure 10 will appear, click Import GCPs, make sure the Coordinate Order is Y,X,Z, and then select the data. In this case, I am choosing the WOLF PAVING _UTM16_massaged data.
  12. Also referring to Figure 10, make sure Initial Processing is Checked and Check Point Cloud/Mesh and DSM, Orthomosaic are not
    Figure 10: On Flight Path Window, click on GCP/MTP Manager
    Figure 11: Import GCPs, Select Coordinate Size Select Proper File
  13. Wait for the data to process, note the quality report. An image similar to Figure 3 will appear. Note that the Ground Control Points are floating. 
  14. On the Ray Cloud, Click on a GCP, a window of a GCP will appear on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. 
  15. In this case, the GCPs are Chevrons, click on the center of each chevron, similar to figure 12  only select 2-3 GCPs. 
    Figure 12: GCPs Calibration Example
  16. Once you have callibrated your GCPs, do the opposite of what was said in Step 12 In other words Check Point Cloud/Mesh and DSM, Orthomosaic and Index but uncheck Initial Processing. 
  17. Wait for the data to process and note your Quality Report. Click Mesh to make the ray cloud appear more visually pleasing, the finished product can be found in Figure 13. For a video of the of the the created surface model, click here:
    Figure 13 Ray Cloud With Ground Control Points

Data Discussion

Overall, this lab was similar to Lab 5 with the exception of adding and correcting for a ground control point calibration error. According to Professor Hupy, the GCP error was a result of DJI's altitude software not accounting for the curvature of the Earth Correctly. Although the GCPs were skewed as shown in Figure 3, Pix4DMapper has the ability to let us edit the GCPs and re-center them so that that it can more accurately model the DSM. 

Although we are instructed to always do an initial process first, the initial processing step played a major role in being able to identify the data, and detect the error, so that we could correct it before we went to process the final product. Had we not, we would have had to go back after spending approximately 30 minutes processing the data. and Spend approximately another 30 minutes reprocessing the data to fix the product. In a real life scenario, this could not only waste time, but cost the company money as well.

Conclusions and Final Critique 

From Pix4DMapper I then imported the Orthomosaic, and Created two maps seen in Figure 14 and Figure 15. In Figure 14, it's Orthomosaic resembles an Orthomosaic in Lab 3. However, this Orthomosaic has "cleaned up data" and is visually smaller and more concise. In addition, it includes more obvious GCPs and the overlay is sharper than the Map in Lab 3

Figure 14: Orthomosaic of Wolf Creek With Ground Control Points
In figure 15, I transformed the Orthomosaic into a Digital Surface Model with the color green representing lower elevation, and color red representing higher elevation. In addition, the layer below the colors is exaggerated to bring out the texture graphics. Although it does not take a lot of effort to create a Digital Surface Model, it can be essential to a user that is showing a client a perspective site for planning. 
Figure 15: DSM of Wolf Creek With Ground Control Points

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Lab 5

Software introduction

In this lab, we are using Pix4DMapper first time. According to its website, Pix4DMapper is a photogrammetry software designed for professional drone mapping. Given the fact that this software is part of the broader Pix4D products, pay careful attention to the name of the program that you open. When flying a mission, consider what needs to be imaged. For example, in general, a mission flown over a road going through a cornfield will require a smaller percentage of imagery overlap compared to a mission flown over  a uniform field/snow. After referring to the Pix4D manual under the 'Ideal Image Acquisition Plan', it appears that you need at least 70% overlap 80% sidelap for less complicated projects and a minimum of 80% overlap 80% sidelap for larger projects.

Although the processing times can be compromised (depending on the kind of hardware available) Pix4D can and will process multiple flights as long as the key-points are close enough to merge among one another, the the altitude is the same, and the environmental factors are the same. In additio,n pix4D can and will process oblique images as long multiple flights with multiple altitudes with multiple camera angles are taken. Referring to the online Pix4D manual, it appears GCPs be used especially if nadir data is available. Although GCPs aren't absolutely necessary for Pix4D, they are highly recommended when mapping items such as rivers, roads, and railways.

One other mentionable feature of  Pix4D is Rapid Check. Rapid Check is a program option that enables a user to generate a quality report quickly in case the user wants to cross-reference data before processing it thoroughly. To better understand how to use the software, I have created a tutorial for processing example data of a UAV that has flown over a house. Before referring to the steps, it is important to note that this procedure is Purdue specific, and before setting up the program, you must have access to a computer in the AT 319 lab, as well as the given folder in figure 1.
Figure 1:Given Folder tor this Tutorial

Software Tutorial

  1. Access Class data folder shown in Figure 1
  2. Copy Lab4and5_ArcProPix4D into Temp folder of C drive
  3. Click on Lab4and5_ArcProPix4D 
    • go to flights folder
    • click Flight1_Nadir
  4. You will now see a series of pictures, right click on one of the pictures 
    • go to properties 
    • go to details 
    • Note the details such as the camera sensor and coordinates
  5. Open up Pix4Dmapper 
    •  login with provided username and password
  6. On the home Screen, similar to the image on Figure 2 click create new project 
    •  Remember to logout when you are done otherwise we risk loosing money running the system)
      Figure 2: Pix4D Home Screen
  7. A new screen will appear, now click browse.
  8. Navigate to the temp folder mentioned in step 2
  9. Name the file by including metadata such as the date, the sensor, the altitude flown, and whether or not gcps were included.
  10. Click Next
  11. Click Add Images
  12. Click Flight1_Nadir, images similar to Figure 3 will appear
  13. Click Open. All the images will now appear in a list.
    Figure 3: Unstiched Images taken from UAV
  14. Click next, you will now see a chart including items such as images, groups, altitude.
  15. Click edit and switch shutter model to Linear Rolling.
  16. Click next, be sure to reference the output system.
  17. Click next, you will now be on the Processing Options Template Window
  18. Click 3D Maps, and click Finish. A flight path similar to Figure 4 will now appear.
  19. Referring to the bottom left corner of Figure 4, make sure the boxes for both point cloud and mesh and DSM, Orthomosaic and Index are unchecked
    Figure 4: Flight Path of UAV
  20. Click on Processing Options
    •  A window will appear 
    • Check both point cloud and mesh 
    • Check DSM, Orthomosaic and Index
  21. On the DSM, Orthomosaic and Index, switch the method to triangulation
    •  Check GeoTiff 
    •  Check Google Maps Tiles and KML
  22. Click on Additional Outputs Check SHP
    • Set Elevation to 0.5m
    •  Set the Minimum Line size to 100
  23. Click Ok you will now be back at the same picture scene in Figure 4
  24. Once again, make sure Initial Processing is the only thing that is checked
  25. Now click Start, once the initial processing is done, a quality report will appear as seen in Figure 5
    Figure 5: Quality Report
  26. Note items such as the summary, Quality check, the Preview, Calibration, etc..
  27. Click Close, you are now ready to process your data
  28. Uncheck Initial Processing 
  29. Uncheck Point Cloud and Mesh 
  30. Uncheck DSM, Orthomosaic and Index
  31. Click Start, when processing is complete, you will now have your initial Data point cloud processed similar to Figure 6
  32. On the layers window shown in figure 6, check off point clouds
    •  Note the difference in texture
  33. Turn off Point clouds and check Triangle Meshes
    •  Note the difference in texture as shown in figure 6 and 7
    • Figure 6: Point Cloud Without Triangle Mesh
      Figure 7: Point Cloud With Triangle Mesh
At this point (and no I'm not talking about the cloud) the project is complete. In the lab for next week, we will add the ground control points. For your pleasure, take a look at the following link for a more detailed view:

Software Results

As seen inf Figure 8, Pix4D's files and folders are organized in a series of folders and subfolders. For clarity, the folders are labeled with two black and white rectangles, and the saved file is the rhombus with the Pix4D symbol written in green.
Figure 8: Organization of Pix4D Files and Folders

When taking a closer look at the quality report referenced in the Tutorial, I have included a table with the processing times and statistics and statistics in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Table With Processing Times and Statistics
In Figure 10, a total of 67 images were used and one image was rejected
Figure 10: Used vs Rejected Images
In figure 11, are the overlap results from the quality report. As you can see fewer images are overlapped on the edges of the image. Although results may vary, this could be due to the UAV turning, the UAV sensor being able to orient further images, or be due to the terrain being more difficult to stitch together.
Figure 11: Overlap Results
In Figure 12 is a map showing the Orthomosaic that was first stiched in Pix4D and then transferred to Arc Pro. In the image is an overhead view of a house in northern Lafayette Indiana.
Figure 12: Orthomosaic of house in Lafayette Indiana
In Figure 13, is a Digital Surface Model of the same image in Figure 12 showing some of the terrain features. As you can see in some areas, the data was not stitched properly. This could be due to the fact that the vegetation in the image caused the data to error. Nevertheless, you can see the differences in elevation based on the color when referring to the map. 
Figure 13: Digital Surface Model of Figure 12


During this lab, I learned how to create an Orthomosaic from Pix4D mapper and then interpret it using Arc Gis Pro.If done correctly, Pix4D can provide a quick and professional way to process data. If done incorrectly, Pix4D could still process the data, but the results can vary tremendously. Because of this, here are many considerations that one must ponder when deciding how they should go about processing data. 

One of the several considerations one must be familar with is knowing how to define global and rollong shuter. According to Pix4D's website, global shutter exposes all of the pixels of the sensor at one time, whereas a rolling shutter exposes each pixel row of the sensor at slightly different points in time. For your reference, Figure 14 provides a visual representation with the left image representing global shutter and right image representing the rolling shutter. If a user does not remember to consider that when using Pix4D, data processing could result in lots of errors.

In addition to being exposed to several new parameters that must be considered when using Pix4D, I also learned that the software can process data rather quickly depending on the nature of the project. Given the fact that this is my first time building an Orthomosaic I will have more specific experiences about it in later labs.  
Figure 14 Global vs Rolling Shutter

Video-A Cost Effective Way for Bridge Inspection?

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Lab 4

 Introduction Questions Part 1 

What is the Ortho Mapping Suite in ArcPro? How does it relate to UAS imagery?
The Ortho Mapping Suite in Arc Pro is a program that enables you to to modify images to create orthomosaic imagery. This relates to UAS imagery by providing different options for modifying remote sensing data. 

What is Bundle Block Adjustment?
The Bundle Block Adjustment is a tool that  uses an existing surface such as a high resolution DEM,  to create an orthomosaic. However, although the processing time goes down significantly, the accuracy of an orthomosaic with Bundle Block Adjustment is only as good as the data that goes in. For example, if you are using a coarse DEM as your elevation surface, you will get what you ‘pay for’ in terms of data quality. 

What is the advantage of using this method? Is it perfect?
As stated in the last answer, the advantage of using this method is it can reduce the time it takes to process data. Because it saves time, the accuracy from the data you collect doesn't accommodate a Z axis well.

Please define the following terms/concepts:
  •  Photogrammetery- Taking reliable images and meshing them together to create items such as maps, GIS layers, and 3D models.
  •  Tools and capabilities of the ESRI ArcPro Ortho Mapping suite
  •  Orthorectification-the process of removing the effects of image perspective (tilt) and relief (terrain) effects in order to create a planimetrically correct image.
  • What Orthorectification accomplishes-corrects for geometric distorted remote sensed imagery
  • Types of distortion affecting remotely sensed imagery
    • geometric distortion- a deviation from a rectilinear projection
    • tangential scale distortion
    • relief displacement-(most pronlemetics to objects directly below a camera) offours when objects appear to lean away from the center of a photo
    • haze distortion-a measuring error from the GPS
  • Bundle Block Adjustment-are photogrammetric methods that adjust images based on editing overlaps, with reference to GPS and triangulation. 

Part 2 Methods

What key characteristics should go into folder and file naming conventions?
Characteristics such as having folder names run general to specific, along with specifying files in accordance to your preference are ideal methods of  organization. In addition, characteristics such as the date, project name and file type are important characteristics as well.

Why is file management so key in working with UAS data?
File management is key with working with UAS data, because if you do not manage your files correctly, sensitive information could be lost, unorganized files could result in poor data analysis, and you could lose overall time as a consequence of the mismanagement.

What key forms of metadata should be associated with every UAS mission?
Key forms of metadata include but are not limited to, the date of the flight, the pilot of the flight, the UAS platform, the sensor of the UAS, the altitude flown, the imaging angle, the ground control GPS, the ground control coordinates, and the UAS coordinates. Create a table that provides the key metadata for the data you are working with.
Figure 1: Metadata for every UAS mission

Part 3 Results

Describe you maps in detail. Discuss their quality, and where you see issues in the maps.
Are there areas on the map where the data quality is poor or missing?
Figure 1: Flight path with Orthomosaic
Figure 2: Flight Path without Orthomosaic

Processing time is time and money in the UAS world. Here you want to create a table that shows the time it took.
Figure 3: Data Processing Time

How much time did it take to process the data?
It took approximately 47 minuets to Process the data 

Part 4 Conclusions

Summarize the Orthomosaic Tool.
The on click Orthomosaic I uses a combination of geolocation and metadata to quickly create a bigger 3D imiage.

Summarize the process in terms of time invested and quality of output.
Depending on the mission and needs of the client, this process can be ideal to those who want a fast processing time at an affordable price.

Think of what was discussed with this orthomosaic in terms of accuracy. How might a higher resolution DTM (from LiDAR) make this more accurate? 
Given the fact that LiDAR penetrates to the surface, a higher resolution DTM orthomosaic has a greater potential to be more accurate. On the other hand, a photogrametric DSM without LiDAR wouldn't be able to penetrate to the surface resulting in less accurate data.

Why might this approach not work in a dynamic environment such as a mine?
Although I believe this approach could conceptually work, I think it would be ideal for a business stand point because mass amounts of new data would have to be saved, stored and constantly collected assuming that the mine is changing.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Lab 3

Introduction Questions Part 1

Why are proper cartographic skills essential in working with UAS data?
When working with UAS data, essential Cartographic skills can include but are not limited to knowing how to measure ground control points, the desired elements that should be presented on a map, and knowing the kinds of graphics and pictures that are easy for people to see and understand.
What are the fundamentals of turning either a drawing or an aerial image into a map?
A scale bar, the drawing itself, and a title, are the fundamentals of turning an image into a map. To make the more map more user friendly, a key, a locator map, a direction arrow, and metadata are usually included as well.

What can spatial patterns of data tell the reader about UAS data? Provide several examples.
 Below is a short list of hypothetical examples that to answer the above question.
  • A UAV with a temperature sensor scanning a runway and finding values cooler on the outer  edge of the runway compared to the inner part of the runway. 
  • A UAV with an infrared sensor detecting heat coming from a crack while it inspects a bridge.   
  • A UAV inspecting crop yields and being able to detect the parasites that are harming them.
  • A UAV inspecting a tectonic plate over Alaska and noting the features of it. 
What are the objectives of the lab?
The objectives of the lab are to make a map template to reference for future labs, to better navigate Arcmap, ArcPro, and learn how do a small project in Arc Scene. 

Working with the Data Methods Part 2

What key characteristics should go into folder and file naming conventions?
Characteristics such as having folder names run general to specific, along with specifying files in accordance to your preference are ideal methods of  organization. In addition, characteristics such as the date, project name and file type are important characteristics as well. 

Why is file management so key in working with UAS data?
File management is key with working with UAS data, because if you do not manage your files correctly, sensitive information could be lost, unorganized files could result in poor data analysis, and you could lose overall time as a consequence of the mismanagement.

What key forms of metadata should be associated with every UAS mission?
Key forms of Metadata can be found in Figure 1. These include, but are not limited to the date of the flight, the pilot of the flight, the UAS platform, the sensor of the UAS, the altitude flown, the ground control GPS, the ground control coordinates, and the UAS coordinates. A summary of these items along with an example flight are highlighted in the chart in Chart 1.
Chart 1: Metadata Summary
Create a table that provides the key metadata for the data you are working with
Add a basemap of your choice. What basemap did you use? Why
For this project I chose the Topographic basemap because I am familiar with it in our lecture demonstrations, it isn't too distracting to work with, and I like that it’s simple. 

Using the Add data icon, or Arc Catalog, bring the orthomosaic and the DSM into ArcMap
Build and Calculate Statistics for each data set and insert the statistics into a table.                       As seen in Chart 2, are the statistics gathered from the orthomosaic. With the exception of the classes category, each number was rounded to the nearest hundredth. 
Chart 2: Building and Calculating Statistics

What is the difference between a DSM and DEM?
According to, a Digital Surface Model (DSM) is an elevation model that includes the tops of buildings, trees, powerlines, and any other objects. According to, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a representation of the terrain (bare-earth) with elevations at regularly spaced intervals. 

Go into the Properties for the DSM and record the following descriptive statistics.Cell Size, Units, Projection, Highest Elevation, Lowest Elevation. Enter those statistics into a table. Why are these important? Descriptive statistics are important because they help complement the overall metadata. Without statistics, we would have less information about the mission which could harm or even ruin the data processing process. An example of what descriptive statistics look like can be found in the Chart 3.
Chart 3: Descriptive Statistics Example

Generate a Hillshade for the DSM. Then set the original DSM to a color ramp of your choice and set its transparency to your choice over the shaded DSM. What does hillshading do towards being able to visualize relief and topography?
To help visualize the effect of hillshading, compare Figure 1 to Figure 2 and note the differences in cracks. As you can see,  the DSM with hillshading can greatly enhance the ability to visually detect cracks compared to the DSM without hillshading.
Figure 1: DSM Without Hillshading
Figure 2: DSM With Hillshading
Use the swipe tool to compare what you see in the orthomosaic to the DSM. How does the orthomosaic relate to what you see in the shaded relief of the DSM? 
In figure 3 you will notice the DSM partially shaded while using the swipe tool. This relates to the shaded relief of the DSM by demonstrating that you can have both Figure 1 and 2 together for immediate comparison of the same picture yet with different details depending on what shade you prefer to view it in.
Figure 3: A combination of Figures 1 and 2

Arc Scene 3D DSM Questions Part 3

What is the purpose of vertical exaggeration? What settings do you have for your data?
The purpose of vertical exaggeration is to provide a 3D reconstruction of the image. For the data in Figure 4, I set my vertical exaggeration to “calculate from extent” mode which in this case was 2.37259. 

What color ramp did you use? Why?
I used Red to Green Diverging, dark because it appeared simple and user friendly compared to the other color options. 

What are the advantages of using ArcScene to view UAS DSM data vs. the overhead shaded relief in ArcMap. What are the disadvantages?
ArcScene is advantageous for viewing 3d data, and rotating the image. In addition, it is relatively easy to learn. ArcScene is disadvantaged compared to ArcMap due to it lack of features and will be phased out soon. 

Find a zoom setting and angle you like in ArcScene and export the image as a jpeg or file of your choice.Is this export a map? Why or why not?
As seen in figure 4, is the image of the exaggerated DSM. Although it looks relatively complex, this is not a map because it does not have a title, or scale bar.
Figure 4: Digital Surface Model "Calculated 1.5 Extent"

Building a Map Part 4

In this section, an example of a map template had to meet the following requirements:
  • A North Arrow
  • A Scale Bar
  • A Locator Map
  • A Watermark
  • Data Sources
In Figure 5: I included a map that meets all these requirement,

Figure 5: Wisconsin Mine Site

Conclusions Part 5 

When you compare the images from the beginning, you can see that the data gathered by a UAV  can yield significant advantages to a GIS user and cartographer. When processed correctly, atmospheric conditions, surface images, and spatial data can better document can be combined with other various types of metadata to form a cohesive working set of information that can enable us to better understand the sciences involved in Earth's processes. Since UAS is relatively new to geospacial science, it will be difficult to pinpoint if it will remain relevant in the future.As a tool for cartography, it can easily provide detail for specific locations that can not be compared with satellites (yet).

Since UAS is restricted by flying laws, battery life, and data management problems, using it as a tool in any field will have challenges, Nevertheless, advancing technology has the potential to enhance it's development as well. Although it is difficult to say where the direction UAS will go, it will have to be incorporated with sophisticated technology in order to survive. This includes better data collection, and better data itself. Some forms of data that I believe will factor into this innovation include data from swarming, data from artificial intelligence and data from real time information systems. Although these are extremely broad concepts, think about that given the fact that that UAS as a whole has already been applied to ideas never thought of before.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Lab 2

Introduction Questions

What makes data geospatial? That is, what makes the data you worked with today geospatial in nature (think coordinates)?
Data is made geospatial if it has a geographic and/or locational component to it. Specifically, this can include but is not limited to GPS data, satellite imagery or even your address or ZIP code. Two forms of geospatial data include vectors which use points, lines, and polygons to represent spatial features, and rasters which use cells to represent special features. Today’s data is geospatial in nature because it goes beyond imagery data by including data attributes.

What makes data in a GIS different than a digital map?
GIS is different than a digital map because a digital map is a jpeg, while a GIS can include data attributes such as smart maps, click on point, coordinates, attribute data.

Why is having an understanding of geospatial concepts and geospatial data so fundamental to working with UAS data?
Having an understanding of geospatial concepts and geospatial data is fundamental to working with UAS data because if you do not, consequences such as a failed mission, poor data, wasted time and loss of money to your clients can occur. Not only that, but entire projects can fail, technology can be underutilized and your overall credibility in the industry could be questioned.

What are some of the key geospatial concepts and fundamentals that this lab addresses?

This lab address key geospatial concepts and fundamentals such as learning how to navigate Arc Map, and Arc Pro. In addition, to learning about those programs, it helps us visualize examples of what holistic geospatial data can do as demonstrated by the various files that include but are not limited to rasters, text, point, line, polygone, etc..,

Working with the Data (Overview)

Why is file management so key in working with UAS data?
File management is key with working with UAS data, because if you do not manage your files correctly, sensitive information could be lost, unorganized files could result in poor data analysis, and you could lose overall time/money as a consequence of the mismanagement.

ArcCatalog Questions

What is the purpose of establishing a folder connection?
The purpose of establishing a folder connection is to have pertinent data available to the folder in a convenient known place. In addition the folder connection enables information to be saved on a cloud source data rather than a poorly made I-Tap computer.

What is the difference between viewing the files in Arc Catalog vs. Windows explorer?
As seen in figure 1, the files in ArcCatalog appear to have better icons which enables me to more conveniently  distinguish what the files are compared to the files in Windows explorer which can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 1: ArcCatalog Files

Figure 2: Windows Explorer Files

Why is it so important, beyond maintaining proper file management/naming, to use Arc Catalog for managing your GIS data?
It is important to use ArcCatalog for managing GIS data because ArcCatalog’s layout is relatively straightforward and can be taught to people within an hour. With this foundation, users can easily track files independently without completely losing them. 

Take a close look at the files and note the icon to the left of the file.What do those icons mean? Hint: Use the preview tab to view the file. List out each of the geospatial data types, and then provide an example file for that data type.
Figure 3: Geospatial Data Types
  • An an example of a Polyline could be a tornado track.
  • An example of a Polygon file could be a state.
  • Am example of a Raster file would be a tornado file screenshot
  • An example of a Text file would be the dams text.
  • An example of a Point file would be a location to the dams point file.
  • All of the above geospatial types can be seen in figure 3

  • What topic/term relates to this description tab? Why is having this information so important in the UAS realm?
    Metadata is information that you need for the entire project. Metadata is  significant for passing on and processing purposes because it includes data essential for correct processing. If people don't have the correct data, processing will glitch and the data will be underutilized and potentially fail.

  • After you select properties, you will see a table with all sorts of information to come up. Before we get into it too much, scroll down to the statistics section.What does it say? 
  • After scrolling down to the statistics section, if found what can be seen in Figure 4.

  • If you saw ‘No statistics calculated’, that is O.K. But we need those statistics to get an idea of the dataset. Right click on the layer again, and this time hover over ‘calculate statistics’. What types of tasks rely on statistics?
    • Applying a contrast sketch.
    • Applying a classification.
    List the Min, Max, and Mean elevation of the DSM.Why would this information be important for data processing, analysis, and communication with the client?
    • Min DSM Elevation=0
    • Max DSM Elevation=323
    • Mean DSM Elevation=163.90
    This information would be important for data processing, analysis and communication with a client because it helps the client understand the main parameters of the elevation. Because of this, the client can be certain about the area to focus on and work with the surveyor to achieve their needs.

    There is more useful information in this table. Provide the following information:
    • Cell Size: 0.02077, 0.02077
    • Format: TIFF
    • XY Coordinate System: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_16N
    • Linear Unit: Meter (1.000000)
    • Datum: D_WGS_1984
    • Use the Linear unit and write the pixel size in square cm: 4cm^2

    ArcMap Questions

    Referring to your notes from the demo/lecture, list out some different ways to add data.
    • Click on file and then click on “Add Data”
    • Open a base layer, locate file connections on ArcCatalog, drag that file from ArcCatalog to ArcMap.
    Before we add UAS data, lets add a basemap, and a few other types of data. Examine the basemap options, and add a basemap of your choice. What basemap did you use? Why?
    The basemap that I chose to use was a Topographic map. I chose this mao because it was relatively simple to view, and I was familiar with its appearance when it was demonstrated by Professor Hupy.

    Go into the Tornadoes folder, and add the states.shp shapefile. The basemap can bog things down, so let’s go ahead and uncheck reference and basemap. What type of GIS data is this? Justify your answer.       
    This type of GIS is a Polygon file. This is a polygon file because it has an enclosed shape as an icon as well as data attributes.  
    Now add the TORNADO_tracks.shp file. What type of GIS data is this? Justify your answer. 
    This type of GIS data is a polyline file. This is a polyline file because it has a line with points on it like the icon. In addition, when you click on the file and drag will notice that it makes the tracks that it symbolizes and that you can view attributes for each tornado.
    Let’s add one other kind of file. Go into the hydro features folder, and add the dams00x020.shp file.What type of GIS data is this? Justify your answer.
    This type of GIS data point file. This is a point file because every hydro plant is represented by a point, and when you click on a point, the associated data attributes appear.

    Now that we’ve added several different types of GIS data, we want to explore is coordinate systems. Right click on the Tornado_tracks file, and go to properties, then click on the source tab. Write down the Coordinate System:
    In Figure 5 is the coordinate system for the tornado tracks file on the map of the United States..

    Figure 5: Coordinate System for Tornado Tracks in the United States
    Now write the coordinate system for the other two data layers.
    Referenced in figure 6, is the coordinate system for hydroelectric dams.
    Figure 6: Coordinate System for Hydroelectric Dams in the United States

  • Referenced in Figure 7, is the coordinate system for the states.
  • Figure 7: The Coordinate System for the States

  • Are all of these coordinate systems the same? Why might that be an issue?
    By comparing the three coordinate systems in the map, you will notice that all of them are different. This can be an issue because different coordinate systems account for different features of the earth. If this occurs, the data could be skewed and the imagery would appear to contradict it.

    How might the need for metadata relate to coordinate systems.                                                            
    The need for meta might is important because coordinate systems need to have the correct data to run smoothly. Although it can be confusing having to work with so much metadata, having too little data will hinder the ability to define locations, surfaces, and other pertaint mapping information.

    Think of some different types of attribute data that could be used in conjunction with UAS data and list it here with a use example.
    •  Aircraft accident sites
    • Wind turbine farms
    • Weather stations
    • Pipeline inspection
    • vehicle accident sites
    Go into the Wolfpaving_X5 folder and using the Add data icon, or Arc Catalog, bring the orthomosaic and the DSM into ArcMap. Uncheck the DSM for now, and make sure the Orthomosaic is the top layer.                                                                                                                    
    • What type of data is this? A raster with red, green and blue values
    • What is the format? TIFF
    • What is the projection? UTM                                                                                                        
    Add the XYWOLF_PAVING_UTM16_massaged.shp file. Go into its properties and check the projection information.What is the projection?
    • Projected Coordinate System: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_16N
    • Projection: Transverse_Mercator                                                                                                   
    Does this projection match the Ortho? Why is this so important?
    Yes, this is important because if it didn't we would have false information.
    Zoom in over a few of the GCP points. Do the points line up with the markers on the ground?
    Yes, this tool might be useful in working with UAS data because it could measure distances above objects and display the distances with several different units of measurement.

    Identify: Use the identify tool on several of the GCP points. Also, turn on the DSM and identify pixels on that layer. How might this tool come in handy when working with UAS data?
    The identify tool might be handy when working with UAS data because it shows the variances in elevation which can help determine the minimum clearance a UAV needs during a mission.                 

    Swipe: Use the swipe tool to move between the Orthomosaic and the DSM. How might this tool be useful when working with UAS data?This tool might be useful when trying to illustrate to a client the difference models that can be displayed and compared to when using the data.

    Measure: Measure several features on the map. How might this type of tool be useful in working with UAS data?    
    This tool might be useful when working with UAS because it could measure distances above objects and display the distances with several different units of measurement.    


    As a tool to the GIS user, data acquired by a UAS can be customizable for a client depending on the complexity of the mission. After completing this lab, I am currently still trying to wrap my head around the plethora of options that can be applied to UAS GIS data. Because of this, I can also see UAS data being an issue because changing technology can make the data useless, and data processing/storage can be slow to catch up. To combat storage issues, I think companies will need to figure out how to quickly stream data the moment the UAV is in flight to speed up the process of data processing. As technology advances I am sure this will happen with terabytes worth of data being streamed mid flight in the upcoming years.