Tuesday, May 10, 2022

UAS and Stormwater Applications


Local, state, and federal agencies have utilized UAS for items such as stormwater management, environmental compliance, and safety inspections. From a general documentation perspective, UAS is a tool that can provide reliable and repeatable observations which (when processed correctly) can easily show changes of subjects over time. Rather than list the multitude of applications UAS offers to stormwater asset management, the following YouTube video does a good pretty job highlighting practical value derived from UAS services. Note: the first 20 minutes are useful, the last 20 minutes are not related to stormwater.  

See Practical UAS Stormwater Applications Here

Bonus Content 

Below is a flyer I created demonstrating how using photogrammetric mapping can allow end users to monitor stormwater assets that are new, missing, or yet to be geotagged. In the case of deveopling communities, areas with heavy construction, or areas impacted by natural disasters, you would be suprised to learn how many stormwater assets become "rediscovered" from UAS imagery alone. Using engineering and GIS software, a high resolution georeferenced digitized map delivered from UAS  becomes vital to future planning and deveoplement because it greatly reduces site visits, misjudgement and ambiguity. 
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