Friday, April 28, 2023

Computer Considerations for UAS Operations

Photogrammetry holds a vital position in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), facilitating the development of precise 3D point ckouds and maps using aerial imagery. This blog post concentrates on the optimal computer specifications for operating Pix4D photogrammetry software, a prevalent option within the industry. Alternatives such as Agisoft PhotoScan, DroneDeploy, and Bentley ContextCapture will be mentioned. Below is a table I created that beiefly categorizes different tiers of computer considerations which can help process data derived from photogrammetric UAS operations.

Table: Tiers of Computer Systems for Photogrammetric Processing

In addition to the specifications mentioned in the table, remember to consider additional features such as remote desktop connection access, portability, durability, and CPU protection while selecting a computer  for UAS photogrammetric projects. While Pix4D is the primary focus of this guide, other photogrammetry software options have similar requirements. Agisoft PhotoScan, DroneDeploy, and Bentley ContextCapture all demand powerful processors, ample memory, and dedicated graphics cards to function effectively. However, there may be some differences in terms of compatibility and performance with specific hardware components.

Selecting the right computer for photogrammetry software in Unmanned Aerial Systems depends on your budget, performance requirements, and additional features like remote desktop access and portability. The three tiers presented in this guide should provide a solid starting point for your search. Remember to consider your specific needs and the demands of the software you plan to use, and invest in a computer that meets or exceeds these requirements to ensure smooth operation and optimal results.


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